Adele's Hello in movie quotes is amazing

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You realize when you're lying on the sofa looking your umpteenth YouTube video on spot selecting, or corgis in mirrors and you think, perhaps someday I'll make a video and positioned it on YouTube. But as quickly as the notion comes, it disappears, and you move back to watching ''Vlogmas Day 2' hoping you might not get a bed sore.

Well some human beings are a lot less lazy then us and genuinely spend A LOT of time making videos for us to procrastinate to, which we are able to best thank them for.

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Take Matthijs Vlot as an instance, who has spent an unbelievable quantity of time splicing together movie clips to Adele's Hello.

Instead of Adele's breathy lyrics you have got Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead, Barney Rubble from The Flintstones, Harrison Ford in Star Wars , Arnold Schwarzeneger in Batman, CP30 from Star Wars or even bloody Pumba from the Lion King, unfortunately no Timone though.

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Definitely the viral video worth looking this week, and dare we say it, but we almost prefer it to the unique. We say nearly because now not loads can beat Adele and her theatrical arms.

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